황제낙엽 2020.02.25 16:44 조회 수 : 131

sitelink1 https://bitbucket.org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc/downloads/ 
sitelink2 https://github.com/xerial/sqlite-jdbc 

1. Build

> javac Sample.java
> java -classpath ".;sqlite-jdbc-(VERSION).jar" Sample   # in Windows
> java -classpath ".:sqlite-jdbc-(VERSION).jar" Sample   # in Mac or Linux
name = leo
id = 1
name = yui
id = 2


2. Usage


    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.Statement;

    public class Sample
      public static void main(String[] args)
        Connection connection = null;
          // create a database connection
          connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:sample.db");
          Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
          statement.setQueryTimeout(30);  // set timeout to 30 sec.

          statement.executeUpdate("drop table if exists person");
          statement.executeUpdate("create table person (id integer, name string)");
          statement.executeUpdate("insert into person values(1, 'leo')");
          statement.executeUpdate("insert into person values(2, 'yui')");
          ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("select * from person");
            // read the result set
            System.out.println("name = " + rs.getString("name"));
            System.out.println("id = " + rs.getInt("id"));
        catch(SQLException e)
          // if the error message is "out of memory",
          // it probably means no database file is found
            if(connection != null)
          catch(SQLException e)
            // connection close failed.

How to Specify Database Files

Here is an example to select a file C:\work\mydatabase.db (in Windows)

Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:C:/work/mydatabase.db");

A UNIX (Linux, Mac OS X, etc) file /home/leo/work/mydatabase.db

Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:/home/leo/work/mydatabase.db");

How to Use Memory Databases

SQLite supports on-memory database management, which does not create any database files. To use a memory database in your Java code, get the database connection as follows:


Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite::memory:");





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